ProArgi-9 VS. High Blood Pressure


THIS MIRACLE BREAKTHROUGH IS ALL SCIENCE BASED and you can read about it from the book "Cardiovascular Cure" by Dr John Cook and the book "No More Heart Disease" by Dr. Louis Ignarro the Nobel Laureate. 

L-arginine the main ingredient in Pro-Argi9 Plus was the supplement used to in the research for the awarding of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1998, for the reversing of heart disease.
Pro-Argi9 Plus does not interfere with medication. 
As the blood pressure comes down from the Pro-Argi9 Plus usage, you may wean yourself from your medication. You can and should buy Pro-Argi9 Plus today for your high blood pressure with a 90 day money back guarantee.

Did you know that doctors today do not have an answer to reversing or curing High Blood Pressure for me and you. 

All they do is maintain the disease with drugs that you must take for the rest of your life. 
I know because I am one of these patients who have visited many doctors. 
Every doctor made the same statement to me "that there is no cure for high blood pressure". 
They say it takes 20 years after a medical breakthrough for the solution to become mainstream medicine. 
The fact that it is now 10 years later and doctors are still saying there is "no cure" is proof of the statement.
Doctors and especially cardio vascular doctors have no financial incentive to cure you.
They want to do operations or procedures to make the big bucks. 
When an internist gets $25.00 for writing a prescription and nothing for telling you about L-arginine, what does he choose to do? 
Curing you is not in the financial cards. 
I know because of what has been said about these cures from cardio vascular doctors to Dr. Prendergast and others.
Their quotes "We would go out of business if we prescribed L-arginine".

A Possible Solution For High Blood Pressure- L-arginine is used by the endothelium in the blood vessel to produce nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels.
This reduces stress on the heart and also improves circulation.
L-arginine is the body's major source for nitric oxide synthesis. 
L-arginine also reduces blood viscosity.
It has been known to relieve angina. 
When you reverse Atherosclerosis (which is a cleaning out of the arteries) and Arteriosclerosis (Making the vessels flexible again) you will have normal blood pressure again.
L-arginine is the only known ingredient to do this reversal of heart disease. 
It took over 15 years of scientific experimenting by Dr. Joe Prendergast to perfect the mixture of ingredients.
Taking L-arginine by itself could take years to accomplish what Dr. Joe Prendergast/Pro-argi9 can do in less than 1 year. 
Again this science of Nitric Oxide (NO) cleaning the vessels, and that L-arginine helps the body to make NO, is backed by the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1998.
Blood pressure is the force in the arteries when the heart beats (systolic pressure) and when the heart is at rest (diastolic pressure). 

High blood pressure (hypertension) is defined in an adult as a blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 MM Hg systolic pressure or greater than or equal to 90mm Hg diastolic pressure. 
You should have reading below 120 over 80.
Even if your blood pressure is in the "high normal" range you are at increased risk for medical problems associated with hypertension.
More people visit their doctor's office for hypertension (high blood pressure) than for any other reason. 
In fact, a startling 50 million Americans have high blood pressure. 
Even so, about 32 percent of the people with hypertension are not even aware that they have it, and another 26 percent are taking blood pressure-lowering medications, all of which have side effects, but still do not have their hypertension under control.

You can not feel high blood pressure, and this absence of physical symptoms makes hypertension particularly dangerous. 
Unless you have your blood pressure measured, you will not know whether it is high.
Though hypertension does not produce outward signs, damage might be occurring, high blood pressure still might be causing major internal damage by injuring the endothelium-Thereby impairing the body's ability to produce its own Nitric Oxide (NO).
This scenario gradually leads to inflammation of the arteries, which is followed by Atherosclerosis and plaque formation. 
Hypertension can also enlarge the heart, trigger a heart attack or stroke, and set the stage for a kidney failure. 
If you have hypertension, like 50 million American men and women, you run seven times the risk of having a stroke compared to individuals whose blood pressure is normal.

Why blood pressure soars- To understand high blood pressure, picture a garden hose with a nozzle on its tip.
There are two ways to increase the water pressure. 
Either you can open the faucet and pump more water through the hose, or you can tighten the nozzle and increase the resistance to the out flow of water. Blood pressure works in exactly the same way, depending on the amount of blood being pumped by the heart and the resistance of the flow of blood. The resistance to blood flow is a function of the width of the arteries, a characteristic that works in the same way the nozzle on the garden hose can constrict and dilate. Arteries that are constricted restrict the flow of blood while increasing the blood pressure. Conversely, if arteries are relaxed and widened, blood flows more easily and blood pressure decreases.

Why we must all age proof our cardiovascular system - The famous Framingham heart study followed several generations of residents in the town of Framingham, Massachusetts, over 40 years, taking detailed cardiovascular health assessments on each person every two years.
One of the more intriguing findings was that two thirds of the participants who started out with normal blood pressure in their thirties had developed hypertension.
According to the National Institute of Health, hypertension plays a role in approximately 700,000 deaths per year.

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